There's a bug with ace and ARMA that a player's primary is not maintained when loading their loadout saved through onPlayerKilled.sqf (if I had to guess it's because the rifle is dropped to the ground a frame before the player is dead?).
This causes the player to respawn without their primary and getting pretty mad about it too like you did it on purpose to them.
A code workaround is possible, such as having a separate variable for the player's primary that is saved every X seconds as a fallback, or checking a small radius around the player's corpse for a primary.
There's a bug with ace and ARMA that a player's primary is not maintained when loading their loadout saved through onPlayerKilled.sqf (if I had to guess it's because the rifle is dropped to the ground a frame before the player is dead?). This causes the player to respawn without their primary and getting pretty mad about it too like you did it on purpose to them.
A code workaround is possible, such as having a separate variable for the player's primary that is saved every X seconds as a fallback, or checking a small radius around the player's corpse for a primary.