Solo5 / solo5

A sandboxed execution environment for unikernels
ISC License
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On OpenBSD only build for HVT #544

Closed adamsteen closed 1 year ago

adamsteen commented 1 year ago

fixes Issue 543

hannesm commented 1 year ago

I've read about these changes, but am wondering how/whether we could make the virtio target working on OpenBSD (maybe by passing some CFLAGS/LDFLAGS), since I believe this should still be usable...

adamsteen commented 1 year ago

@hannesm I am unsure if I will get enough time to dig into something like this, I expect its just a linker script change, will see what I can do

hannesm commented 1 year ago

@adamsteen thanks. I agree that we can first merge this PR as is, and at a later point work on reviving virtio for OpenBSD if there's demand.

dinosaure commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I will keep your issue about -execute-only opens and see if people are interested to compile other targets than hvt on OpenBSD.