C:\Users\Azure>python C:\Users\Azure\Downloads\n-hentai-scraper-master\n-hentai-scraper-master\main.py 174016
Downloading gallery id#174016...
Requesting https://nhentai.net/g/174016...
Header doesn't contain content length information.
Assuming good response...
Valid response received.
exception occurred when retrieving metadata.
error info: list index out of range
no metadata is retrieved. exiting...
Hi @Azurewave, thanks for reporting! As nhentai.net has undergone major revamp months ago, I believe this might have caused the script failing to catch the header info.
C:\Users\Azure>python C:\Users\Azure\Downloads\n-hentai-scraper-master\n-hentai-scraper-master\main.py 174016 Downloading gallery id#174016... Requesting https://nhentai.net/g/174016... Header doesn't contain content length information. Assuming good response... Valid response received. exception occurred when retrieving metadata. error info: list index out of range no metadata is retrieved. exiting...