SoloUnity / valorantstorechecker-iOS

Check your valorant store from your phone!
MIT License
81 stars 13 forks source link

Android App Development #40

Open shinyangdevelop opened 1 year ago

shinyangdevelop commented 1 year ago

I want to develop this application to an android applicatoin, and I believe that I should get permission of this project's authors. So, can I make this application into android application? contact:

SoloUnity commented 1 year ago

I want to develop this application to an android applicatoin, and I believe that I should get permission of this project's authors. So, can I make this application into android application?


Sorry for the late reply, I am currently outside of my country. Please join the discord server to discuss this further as we already have other community developers attempting a port of the iOS app. Thank you.