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Mega-trends Driving Chemical Industry - Underlying Technologies (Pt.3.3) #1

Open Solulever2023 opened 1 year ago

Solulever2023 commented 1 year ago

The current pace of technological advancements has the most profound impact on enabling how chemical manufacturers transform themselves to respond to market trends and deliver an entirely new customer experience. Intelligent technologies promise to bring great benefits such as productivity and efficiency gains, enabling innovative new business models and generating new revenue streams. Advanced Analytics The integration of advanced analytics capabilities into applications such as situational awareness enables business users to analyze data on the fly and drives better decision-making. Empowered users, benefiting from embedded analytics in business processes, can get real-time visibility into their changing environment, simulate the impact of business decisions, mitigate risk, and achieve better customer outcomes. With cheaper computational power and better advanced analytics tools, available at Chemical Industry’s disposal, specialty and commodity chemical companies can put those data to work, gathering information from multiple sources and using machine-learning and visualization platforms to uncover ways to optimize plant operations. Advanced analytics can substantially raise the level of understanding of what happens in a chemical plant’s manufacturing operations; this can help chemical companies in solving previously impenetrable problems and reveal the ones they never knew existed, such as hidden bottlenecks or unprofitable production lines. Predictive maintenance analyzes the historical performance data of production units and their machinery to forecast when equipment is likely to fail, so as to reduce its out-of-service time, and to identify the root cause of the problem. Yield, energy, and throughput analytics, referred to as YET, can be used to ensure that the individual production units are as efficient as possible when they are operating, helping to increase their yields and throughput or to reduce the amount of energy they consume. Value-maximization modeling, meanwhile, scrutinizes the thousands of parameters and conditions that have an impact on the total profitability of an integrated supply chain—from raw-materials purchasing through the complex and often interrelated chemical-manufacturing steps to final sales—and then provides intelligence on how best to capitalize on given market conditions. Together, these advanced analytics approaches can lead to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) margin improvements, of as much as five to ten percentage points. Beyond the margin improvement, companies that are fast adopters can use these approaches to establish a competitive advantage, which stands true for even those companies that struggle with overcapacity. They can do this by using the tools to constantly improve how they manage their production systems and reallocate resources in real-time, in the most efficient and value-creating way across their manufacturing. It can increase the operating time of critical assets by using the analysis of big data to find ways to anticipate their failure. Such predictive-maintenance systems gather historical data to generate insights that can’t be observed using conventional techniques. By applying advanced analytics, companies can determine the circumstances that tend to cause a machine to break. They can then monitor all relevant parameters so they can intervene even before breakage happens, or be ready to replace a component when it does, and thus minimize downtime. Predictive maintenance typically reduces machine downtime by 30 to 50 percent and increases machine life by 20 to 40 percent. Chemical companies are already starting to see substantial gains in this area. For instance, one major surfactants producer consistently ran into problems with recirculation and discharge pumps at its largest plant. When one of its pumps broke, the plant had to stop production for ten hours while a replacement was installed; these pumps are expensive, besides the cost impact of the production loss. Engineers had tested several hypotheses to determine the possible causes of failure; along with trying out alternative materials in the pumps and seals, and different process conditions, but none of them solved the problem.

Solulever's focus on digital transformation and their Brabo Edge platform for manufacturing connectivity and intelligence seems to align with the growing need for technology-driven solutions in today's business landscape.By leveraging the capabilities of the Brabo Edge platform, businesses can likely streamline their manufacturing processes, improve efficiency, and gain valuable insights into their operations. Digital transformation has become crucial for enterprises to stay competitive and adapt to the evolving market demands. For full article please click the below link:

Solulever2023 commented 1 year ago

At Solulever, we deliver unique Edge platform, industry-specific solutions and services that simplify the digital manufacturing transformations. We are passionate about bringing the power of ‘Data at Speed’ to manufacturing and about bringing ‘Beauty’ to manufacturing systems. We deliver the promise of digital manufacturing through ‘Continuous Value Realization Programs’ leveraging our Edge platform and solutions.