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Add plugin to generate license reports #1073

Closed jasonaowen closed 5 years ago

jasonaowen commented 5 years ago

Use the "Gradle License Report" to generate HTML reports of our dependencies.

Generate the reports with:

./gradlew generateLicenseReport

Reports live in {project}/build/reports/dependency-license/ .

If the reports this generates are useful, we should probably also delete the surely-out-of-date hand-made reports in, but I leave that decision to @kfogel or @jvasile.

Note that there may be a new version of the plugin available; this commit was originally authored quite some time ago.

If this looks good to you, dear reviewer, please merge it! I will probably not be around to do so. Likewise, if this needs tweaking, please do so! If this is a terrible idea, go ahead and close it; I will not feel slighted.

Issue #147 Review licenses of dependencies

PaulMorris commented 5 years ago

Looks good, will merge. I've edited the commit to use the latest version of the plugin (1.2). I was able to generate and view the reports. I'll open a follow-up commit about how this impacts