Solutions-Nitriques / oembed_field

Easily embed videos/images from ANY website that implements the oEmbed format
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Change or Remove links #23

Closed proyb2 closed 12 years ago

proyb2 commented 12 years ago

Thank manage to get video embedded but was not able to get both Change or Remove links working which didn't trigger any actions.

nitriques commented 12 years ago

Hum this is strange...

I just tested it and I works for me... still no luck with a field that is in a subsection manager so I'll check that.

Are you using the field the field in a normal section ?

nitriques commented 12 years ago

@proyb2 Do you use the wmd editor extension ? Just found out there is a compatibility issues with wmd + oEmbed + subsection manager....

nitriques commented 12 years ago

@proyb2 I reported the error in the wmd editor's github issue tracker.


Please make sure the js script file is on the server. Please use chrome's or safari's console or event firebug to catch all js error messages.

proyb2 commented 12 years ago

Been using Google Chrome for Symphony CMS, nope, I'm not using subsection manager and wmd editor.

Just caught an error on Google Chrome, seem like this could be the problem?

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://localhost/xampp/symphony/symphony/publish/articles/edit/12/ from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.

proyb2 commented 12 years ago

Resolved. It was Custom Caption Field extension cause the fault. Sorry, for not done enough testing.

Well done and I wish to see author able to attach multiple oembed video, is it possible to implement something like e.g. OEmbed Upload Manager?

nitriques commented 12 years ago


And no I would not be possible, since oEmbed is the standard for embedding resource hosted else where.

That's the main feature of oEmbed -> you don't have to upload anything !!

nitriques commented 12 years ago


Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://localhost/xampp/symphony/symphony/publish/articles/edit/12/ from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.

It's normal. You will see the same with vimeo. The js in the iframe is trying to talk to the parent DOM but it can't for obvious security reasons.