Soluto / oidc-server-mock

Configurable Mock Server for OpenId Connect
Apache License 2.0
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Token expiration appears incorrect inside the token #128

Open Tyler-Keith-Thompson opened 1 year ago

Tyler-Keith-Thompson commented 1 year ago

When I put the JWT's in I see that the expiration and the issue date are the same:

"iat": 1679536376,
"exp": 1679539976,

However, in my configuration for the client I have:

    "ClientId": "authorization-code-with-pkce-client-id",
    "ClientSecrets": ["authorization-code-with-pkce-client-secret"],
    "Description": "Client for authorization code flow",
    "AllowedGrantTypes": ["authorization_code"],
    "AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser": true,
    "RedirectUris": ["OIDCTest://oauth-callback"],
    "AllowedScopes": ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access"],
    "IdentityTokenLifetime": 3600,
    "AccessTokenLifetime": 3600,
    "RequireClientSecret": false,
    "AllowOfflineAccess": true