Solvro / mobile-topwr

ToPWR mobile flutter application
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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PLACEHOLDER- ideas #58

Open AleksaZakrzewska opened 2 months ago

AleksaZakrzewska commented 2 months ago
  1. Information from local governments:

    • as a user I can choose which faculty I am from
    • I can see the information shared by the student government (works like posts on instagram/facebook)
    • as a student government I can add new information, photos, edit previous “posts”
    • the user gets notifications of new events if he/she has given permission. -I can add various functionalities like counter, pin the event “to the top of the page”
  2. EVENT CALENDAR - as a user I can add events to the calendar

  3. Each “year” of a particular field of study could have its own space in the form of a board and the starosta would be able to make announcements and post exams/tests

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

As a user I want to see building's code inside the marker on a map?

Preview of the idea:

Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-7 o 18 02 08
simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

As a user I want to search some more natural names for the buildings to search them As a user I want to see C16 when I type "Technopolis" As a user I want to see C13 when I type "Serowiec" etc like "Bibliotech", "Biblioteka", "SKS", some specific names for some student houses

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

Native android/ios widgets for a chosen parking

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

Android auto/car play Integration for the iparking fearure

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

Previous team had this roadmap:

Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-9 o 16 46 54

we can take some of this features as some further or closer ideas

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

An idea from a friend: module "where to find a redbull stand", feature similar to Yanosik app, but for free redbulls on pwr campus

simon-the-shark commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe some info and adjustments about accessibility of the buildings:

That would need to also come with accessibility in our app ass well, VoiceOver etc.

simon-the-shark commented 3 weeks ago

feature: swiping science clubs left/right like spotify songs