Solvro / mobile-topwr

ToPWR mobile flutter application
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Mobile-27] Parkings' preview on a home page #59

Closed simon-the-shark closed 2 months ago

simon-the-shark commented 2 months ago

As a user I want to see horizontal scrollable list of parking's preview tiles As a user I want to click on "lista" button to open the parkings tab As a user I want to click on a parking tile to open the parkings tile, already in a state focused on the parking

Acceptance criteria:

  1. square tiles with parkings' names/codes like in a design
  2. reusing the buildings' preview tiles widgets somehow (unless it's completely different)
  3. list's margin complaint with our home page's norms
simon-the-shark commented 2 months ago

I don't have access to the desired Figma, but I copied 1:1 the design of Buildings Preview section