Solvro / mobile-topwr

ToPWR mobile flutter application
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Directus CMS & new Academic Day impl #89

Closed simon-the-shark closed 1 month ago

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago
  1. Ported whole app to new Directus CMS API

  2. New Academic Day implementation:

    • Now we can properly calculate the parity of the week. Previously, the date of the exam session wasn't enough for accurate calculations. Now, we insert complete data on the backend.
    • New feature: Apart from even and odd weeks and days, we now also have exam-session and holiday days.
  3. Graphql's cache's TTL is set to 0 in all DEBUG builds now (we're gonna need it like that)


  1. There's a new structure of the .env:
    IPARKING_URL="https://<secret parking's source>.pl"
  2. Now we're assuming all url links on the backend are properly formatted e.g. all email start with mailto: and all websites with https://- I had deleted previous "invalindation" mechanism, cause we don't have any "LinkType" enum on the server. We can add this kind of smart pattern detection or something, but I'm not sure if this is worth it

Screenshots of the new academic days' types:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-05-27 at 23 13 27 Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-05-27 at 23 13 18

Persistent issues (TODO):

  1. Migrate the data - but let's wait a bit more time.
  2. Implement some HTML renderer for WYISG editor's content. Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-05-28 at 23 43 58
  3. Sorting sci circles based on source's credibility.
  4. Probably few more I haven't yet detected
simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the review!

When you want to include code block that has more then one line, markdown has special feature for that that has built in syntax highlighter: Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-29 o 13 39 38

Just replace js here with dart and you code block will have nice dart syntaxt highlighter

simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

@mikolaj-jalocha I believe I've applied the fix for the equal dates bug - but in a slighlty different way, so defienetly check it out and tell me if you think this is ok now. Also I've replied about the map in WeekdayEnum.fromDateTime.

Check it out and tell me if I can merge 🤓 ?

mikolaj-jalocha commented 1 month ago

@mikolaj-jalocha I believe I've applied the fix for the equal dates bug - but in a slighlty different way, so defienetly check it out and tell me if you think this is ok now. Also I've replied about the map in WeekdayEnum.fromDateTime.

Check it out and tell me if I can merge 🤓 ?


simon-the-shark commented 1 month ago

Good job Mikołaj!