Solvro / mobile-topwr

ToPWR mobile flutter application
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Mobile - 50] Even more sci clubs order rules #96

Open simon-the-shark opened 3 weeks ago

simon-the-shark commented 3 weeks ago

Currently we have rule that we first show manually entered sci clubs, then those from aktywni website and in the far end, those from official website.

Which works ok and still should be applied. Additional ideas:

More improvements:

  1. KN Solvro should have first priority in sorting/order and show on top of the list (only if it is supposed to be on the list in the first place)
  2. Maybe we should shuffle others in their respective "batches" like this:
    <KN Solvro/>
    <manual entries>
       _shuffled here_
    </manual entries>
    <aktywni website>
       _shuffled here_
    </aktywni website>
    <official website>
       _shuffled here_
    </official website>

    So shuffling without breaking the current rule