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Improvements on the Player Reader - All Players #77

Closed SandroSpengler closed 10 months ago

SandroSpengler commented 10 months ago


I've been using the Player Reader, specifically the All Player Reader recently and it is missing 3 key features for me:

  1. Possibility to Display/Hide individual columns
  2. A way to vertically arrange players
  3. A setting that limits the players displayed

I've added all these features into the All Player Reader, I'll summarize what I did to add each feature.

  1. Display/Hide columns The All Player Reader displays 4 columns in total, I added a boolean for each of them into the options and then added if-statements the local function PresentPlayers in order to display or hide the columns.

    On top of that, i added configuration options to the configuration.lua which allow the user to customize the displayed/hidden columns.

  2. Vertically Arrange Players I personally prefer the players to be listed next to each other, instead of underneath each other. I again modifed the local function PresentPlayers to list the players horizontally instead of vertically.


Again the user can customize this in the settings.


  1. Limit displayed Players I personally need only the information of 4 players, but some might prefer more than that. I simply added an option to the configuration.lua that allows the user to customize how many players they want to see.

Feel free to contact me via Discord Sandro#8438 if there is anything unclear, I'm more than happy to discuss these changes further.