SomMeri / less4j

Less language is an extension of css and less4j compiles it into regular css. Less adds several dynamic features into css: variables, expressions, nested rules, and so on. Less was designed to be compatible with css and any correct css file is also correct less file.
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Semantic UI 2.0.8 doesn't compile #295

Closed onetom closed 9 years ago

onetom commented 9 years ago

I'm getting hundreds of all sorts of errors with less4j, though the official nodejs implementation works. The root cause of all these I suspect is the following syntax:

ERROR themes/default/globals/site.variables 496:21 no viable alternative at input ':' in unknown ruleset (which started at 496:1)
 495: /* Header Spacing */
 496: @headerTopMargin    : ~"calc(2rem - "@headerLineHeightOffset~")";
 497: @headerBottomMargin : 1rem;

Steps to reproduce:

git clone
cd Semantic-UI-LESS/
cp -R _site/ site
cp theme.config.example theme.config

curl -Lo less4j.jar ''
java -jar less4j.jar semantic.less 2>&1 | less

At the same time, the original implementation works:

npm install less
node_modules/.bin/lessc semantic.less semantic.css
Deraen commented 9 years ago

Here's a simple test case:

❯ cat test.less 
@a: 5;

body {
  width: ~"calc(2rem - "@a~")";

~/tmp/Semantic-UI-LESS master*
❯ lessc test.less               
body {
  width: calc(2rem -  5 );

~/tmp/Semantic-UI-LESS master*
❯ java -jar less4j.jar test.less
Errors produced by compilation of test.less
ERROR 4:3 no viable alternative at input 'width' in ruleset (which started at 3:1)
 3: body {
 4:   width: ~"calc(2rem - "@a~")";
 5: }

ERROR 4:3 no viable alternative at input 'width' in ruleset (which started at 4:3)
 3: body {
 4:   width: ~"calc(2rem - "@a~")";
 5: }

ERROR 4:8 no viable alternative at input ':' in ruleset (which started at 4:8)
 3: body {
 4:   width: ~"calc(2rem - "@a~")";
 5: }

ERROR 4:10 missing EOF at '~"calc(2rem - "' in stylesheet (which started at 1:1)
 3: body {
 4:   width: ~"calc(2rem - "@a~")";
 5: }

Could not compile the file test.less
SomMeri commented 9 years ago

Thank you for reporting the issue.

The problem seem to be the lack of space between ", @a and ~". Less.js tolerates it, less4j does not. I will fix this into the next release.

onetom commented 9 years ago

@SomMeri Thanks in advance! I would rely on your library then to maintain the LESS version of Semantic UI packaged up as a and/or package then.

I'm currently packaging the default compiled version here but we started to miss theming support...

SomMeri commented 9 years ago

There was also second problem: math operation (+, -) between string and number would return an error instead of being compiled into space separated list.

SomMeri commented 9 years ago

@onetom Semantic UI now compiles, but I want to close #296 too before I make new release. If you need release faster, let me know.

onetom commented 9 years ago

No, rush, it makes sense to fix #296 first. Thanks for the quick feedback! In the meantime we can still proceed with locally installed versions from the master branch.

onetom commented 8 years ago

For the record, thats how a Semantic-UI compilation looks like now:

onetom@retinatom ~/g/S/Semantic-UI-LESS> git branch -av
* master                87dd9cc Updated distribution to version 2.1.6

onetom@retinatom ~/g/S/Semantic-UI-LESS> time java -jar ~/Downloads/less4j-1.15.2.jar semantic.less > semantic.css
Warnings produced by compilation of semantic.less
WARNING theme.less 51:3 Compilation resulted in incorrect CSS. The IMPORT ended up inside a body of rule set located at 15:1.
 50: .loadFonts() when (@importGoogleFonts) {
 51:   @import url('@{googleProtocol}{googleFontRequest}');
 52: }

        9.42 real        27.84 user         0.93 sys

onetom@retinatom ~/g/S/Semantic-UI-LESS> ls -l semantic.css
-rw-r--r--  1 onetom  staff  638783 Nov 22 13:55 semantic.css

No errors, but 1 curious warning. Thanks for the fixes @SomMeri !

SomMeri commented 8 years ago

@onetom css specification does not allow import inside ruleset. The thing probably ended inside some ruleset.