Somdotta07 / Portfolio

This template is taken from the Figma Community. This website is made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.This is a simple website to display my projects and skills. This website is made for both desktop and mobile versions. The mobile menu is different from the desktop menu . Added features to the contact form too to check the validation and local storage.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Peer to Peer #15

Open farouqdaif1 opened 2 years ago

farouqdaif1 commented 2 years ago

Add align text to left in the main project
Add container to About me paragraph

phelian23 commented 2 years ago

Good job so far, looks great, kindly look at the text alignment and fonts

aakbarkhan commented 2 years ago

The project looks great. If the navbar and the body width are the same in the mobile version, that would look more nicer.

Somdotta07 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your review , I'll fix them all ASAP.