However, every time I run the code, I get different results. Particularly with MM-IMDB, with the same hyper-parameters and the same seed, I got 62.43%, 62.55% and 62.36% Weighted F-1 scores. I believe, that fixing the score must make sure that we will get the exact same results on each run, can you please let me know where else I shall fix the seed? Furthermore, in the the weighted F1 score on MM-IMDB is reported as 62.92% +- 0.03, can you please explain whether this range is because of the different results after fixing the seed?
Dear BM-NAS authors,
In the code the seed is fixed with lines:
However, every time I run the code, I get different results. Particularly with MM-IMDB, with the same hyper-parameters and the same seed, I got 62.43%, 62.55% and 62.36% Weighted F-1 scores. I believe, that fixing the score must make sure that we will get the exact same results on each run, can you please let me know where else I shall fix the seed? Furthermore, in the the weighted F1 score on MM-IMDB is reported as 62.92% +- 0.03, can you please explain whether this range is because of the different results after fixing the seed?
Thanks in advance, Best regards, Grigor