SomeoneElseOSM / SomeoneElse-style

An "England and Wales rural pedestrian" focused OSM-based map style. Example at . This is the tag preprocessing part of the style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"place" values occur in polygons as well as points. Only points currently shown #15

Open SomeoneElseOSM opened 1 year ago

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago


gis=> select osm_id,name,landuse from planet_osm_polygon where place = 'suburb';
 182933675 | Seadale Gardens   |        (no name)

There is no corresponding point for this place way. However, many polygon places do have corresponding points:

gis=> select osm_id,name,landuse from planet_osm_polygon where place = 'suburb';
  68692986 | Nunthorpe         |        

gis=> select osm_id,name,landuse from planet_osm_point where name = 'Nunthorpe';
   osm_id   |   name    | landuse 
   27648220 | Nunthorpe |

"suburb" is just an example here; the same problem occurs (locally to Yorkshire) with everything from "town" downwards.

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago

It'd be straightforward to add a rendering for polygons in parallel with points ("piers" and "piers_area" is a simple bit of styling that does that for linear and area piers).

What would be much harder would be "only displaying a name for a polygon if there is no name displayed as a point for the same thing".

Note that it makes sense in some cases for places to have nodes as well as place polygons. The geographic centre of Sheffield is in a rural area, but the logical centre is near the town hall. Many seaside towns have a geographic centre in the sea.

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago

See also

Someone on IRC mentions which looks interesting...