SomeoneElseOSM / SomeoneElse-style

An "England and Wales rural pedestrian" focused OSM-based map style. Example at . This is the tag preprocessing part of the style.
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Rendering of hedge as areas, or not. #16

Closed SomeoneElseOSM closed 1 year ago

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago

This style currently treats hedges as areas and this causes issues when linear hedges are combined in OSM with area features such as "landuse" - the result is a hedge area, which is probably not was intended. What follows is mostly an extract from an email to the person who reported this issue.

An example is here: in OSM Carto, which looks like this: in this style.

I think that the history of this issue is more or less as follows:

I think that it's beneficial to be able to show hedge areas where they've been mapped as such. when I looked (in 2019) there was enough use of hedge areas to make that feature worth keeping. This is why I didn't follow OSM Carto down the path of "assume hedges are linear features only". The only options are:

  1. Treat all hedges as linear in the style
  2. Manually change all hedge areas to some other area tag (perhaps "shrubbery") feature in the OSM data
  3. If a hedge is combined with another area feature, pretend the hedge doesn't exist, and let the "other area feature" provide the fill.
  4. If a hedge is combined with another area feature, assume that the hedge is actually linear, and let the "other area feature" provide the fill.

Of these, I've rejected (1) for the reasons already described above. I'm not a fan of (2) - manually editing OSM data to be "something that it is not for the benefit of a lesser used map style" sounds like a bad idea to me. (3) should be doable without too much work, since I don't think that hedge features should coexist with many others . (4) is like (3) but with the extra requirement to define a "linear only" hedge feature in the style, duplicating how line "barrier=hedge" are shown, but not how polygon "barrier=hedge" are.

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago

Fixed by and

SomeoneElseOSM commented 1 year ago

Now live - see here, which corresponds to this in OSM.