SomeoneElseOSM / SomeoneElse-style

An "England and Wales rural pedestrian" focused OSM-based map style. Example at . This is the tag preprocessing part of the style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Farmland rendering #6

Closed trigpoint closed 4 years ago

trigpoint commented 4 years ago

There are various issues in OSM relating to the mistagging of pasture as meadow, this looses the meaning of meadow as well as encouraging tagging for the renderer.

Some of us are begining to use the subtags of farmland=arable and farmland=pasture to distingush the most common types found in lowland Great Britain.

It would be very useful to be able to see these rendered on an outdoor style.

Possibly render farmland=arable as farmland is currently rendered and render farmland=pasture as the standard style currently renders farmland using eef0d5.

The attached image is an example of how the style could look as a mix of arable, pasture and meadow.


SomeoneElseOSM commented 4 years ago

Should be addressed by the release . The new colour I've used (for "grassy farmland" and "agricultural meadow") is at - half way between existing meadow and farmland.

SomeoneElseOSM commented 4 years ago

Yes - now fixed.