Somfy-Developer / Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode

A collection of requests to use a local API with Somfy TaHoma gateways
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Connexoon support #9

Closed barryhartman closed 1 year ago

barryhartman commented 2 years ago

Hi Somfy developers,

Great news that a local api will be available. Is it possible to also support the Somfy Connexoon?

benjaminprevot commented 2 years ago

Hello Somfy,

Good news for the local API.

@barryhartman is right, Connexoon support will be very welcomed by lot of consumers.

Let's cross the fingers you will add this request in your backlog as soon as possible ;-)


OrbitingOcelot commented 2 years ago

Yes please, as a customer I cannot understand why the hardware I bought (connexxoon) is not being supported by the local API. Somfy cloud API is having too many issues/limitations, please also enable local access on connexxoon!

panic1 commented 2 years ago

Agreed, it has been a sincere disappointment to be unable to reliably use the open cloud API since I bought these Somfy covers. Please add this local API to the Connexoon as well.

TroisSix commented 2 years ago

Agreed, I am also waiting for the support of the Connexoon product :)

woutf commented 2 years ago

Same here. Please add Connexoon support

Paul-Vdp commented 2 years ago

Yes, please put also us Connexoon-users out of our misery ...

sanderkoenders commented 2 years ago

I would also like to have local API support for connexoon. In the meantime you can jailbreak the connexoon using With this jailbreak you will be able to use a local API on the connexoon.

OrbitingOcelot commented 2 years ago

As this request is gaining traction: Is there any Somfy product manager/owner etc. around, who could give us lowly customers/users some insight whether this request has been noticed by Somfy decision makers, and if there are any plans to pursue this? A brief update on this would be highly appreciated.

Also please consider how supporting a local API would increase your standing within the community, reduce the support contacts related to cloud/connection issues, and make existing customers happy.

etique57 commented 2 years ago

I also back up this demand.

panic1 commented 2 years ago

As this request is gaining traction: Is there any Somfy product manager/owner etc. around, who could give us lowly customers/users some insight whether this request has been noticed by Somfy decision makers, and if there are any plans to pursue this? A brief update on this would be highly appreciated.

Also please consider how supporting a local API would increase your standing within the community, reduce the support contacts related to cloud/connection issues, and make existing customers happy.

Not to mention: reduce the load on the cloud servers once the change has been implemented in the third party home control applications. It has immediate relief for those customer who upgrade to the local API, and also for those that stay with the cloud API.

Caros2017 commented 2 years ago

Local API would be greatly appreciated!

dos-ise commented 2 years ago

Another back up for this demand. :)

plopez commented 2 years ago

Would be great for all connexoon owners !

posixx commented 2 years ago

Please open up local API for connexoon! According to HA blog Somfy has decided to shut down its cloud API after June 21st, 2022. So we connexoon owners need the local api!

iMicknl commented 2 years ago

Please open up local API for connexoon! According to HA blog Somfy has decided to shut down its cloud API after June 21st, 2022. So we connexoon owners need the local api!

The Home Assistant Overkiz integration will keep supporting Connexoon via the Cloud API; however I would love to see Connexoon offering a local API as well.

OrbitingOcelot commented 2 years ago

Cloud API is down again - I cant control my devices :(

Wish I had a local API to gain indenpence from these outages!

Logger: homeassistant.components.overkiz Source: helpers/ Integration: Overkiz (by Somfy) (documentation, issues) First occurred: 10:00:51 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 10:00:51

Error fetching device events data: Server is down for maintenance.

panic1 commented 2 years ago

Maybe Somfy will skip the local API in connexoon in favor of the Matter integration? Somfy is a member company working on that standard...

neugenn commented 2 years ago

Hi all. Any updates about this ? Really looking forward to having local API support on Connexoon. Many thanks !

svefro commented 2 years ago

Somfy told me it is never going to be supported due to hardware limitations. I got a free Tahoma box from them after a lot of complaining

thesebastianf commented 2 years ago

@svefro how did you contact them? mail, phone, ..?

svefro commented 2 years ago

It is a long story :p i it all started on a contact form somewhere on the somfy website. I live in norway and that helped since we have a 5 year warranty on consumer electronics. The connexoon did not do what it did when i bought it so it was basicaly broken.

barryhartman commented 2 years ago

Somfy told me it is never going to be supported due to hardware limitations. I got a free Tahoma box from them after a lot of complaining

Well I find that hard to believe since there is already a custom jailbreak available with local support ( However I don’t want to do this and expect decent local support from Somfy.

So please Somfy, come with an official statement regarding Connexoon local support?

Caros2017 commented 2 years ago

Somfy told me it is never going to be supported due to hardware limitations. I got a free Tahoma box from them after a lot of complaining

Well I find that hard to believe since there is already a custom jailbreak available with local support ( However I don’t want to do this and expect decent local support from Somfy.

So please Somfy, come with an official statement regarding Connexoon local support?

Was looking for the same url. It's basically already built-in.

OrbitingOcelot commented 2 years ago

Not possible d/t Hardware is probably a very good standard line for the support to get rid of annoying customers. I dont see how an ARM based design with a preexisting LAN port which is communicating with the cloud by default would be unable to open a socket for local communication, that would be truly astonishing :)

svefro commented 2 years ago

Yes but that is wat i was told. This new api is missing a lot of documentation also. But i finally got it working

thesebastianf commented 1 year ago

@llavorel-somfy is there maybe already an Outlook when this will be added to connexoon Firmware? Thank you

Krisstenswe commented 1 year ago

Another one for local access on Connexoon!

ljpaff commented 1 year ago

No updates from Somfy and I still have a half-usable ecosystem. Is there any chance from Somfy to add connexoon in the tahoma system or rollback to previous cloud API?

OrbitingOcelot commented 1 year ago

No updates from Somfy and I still have a half-usable ecosystem. Is there any chance from Somfy to add connexoon in the tahoma system or rollback to previous cloud API?

@ljpaff What problem do you have specifically? For me the cloud API works most of the time. Did you upgrade to Tahoma App and then it stopped working, or do you have another issue?

ljpaff commented 1 year ago

No updates from Somfy and I still have a half-usable ecosystem. Is there any chance from Somfy to add connexoon in the tahoma system or rollback to previous cloud API?

@ljpaff What problem do you have specifically? For me the cloud API works most of the time. Did you upgrade to Tahoma App and then it stopped working, or do you have another issue?

Yeah, I upgrade to Tahoma App and now I can't use Cloud API. Anyway there was an email from Somfy that Cloud API will shutdown.

cyberhuman commented 1 year ago

Besides, many of us don't want to be dependent on the cloud connection to control our local devices.

OrbitingOcelot commented 1 year ago

@ljpaff This is really disturbing news. What were you using to control your blinds before, the Somfy app, Home Assistant, or something else? Previously I was under the impression that the cloud API will continue to work normally after upgrade from Conexxoon to Tahoma App, as described here:

@cyberhuman understood and agreed (see 3rd post here). Just want to see if there are any new issues I was not aware about.

ljpaff commented 1 year ago

@OrbitingOcelot I think Somfy's plans are to migrate all connexoon devices to Tahoma app in order to discontinue the Cloud API because it is an infrastructure (hardware) expense that they probably do not want to assume. So they are openning their closed ecosystem to permit local access to their devices. The problem is that they probably do not want to take into account the connexoon devices, which could replace the Tahoma devices in functionality and much cheaper.

On October 6th, 2020 I received this email:

Dear customer,

In an ongoing effort to provide the best services to our users, we monitor the traffic generated by our applications and Smart Home boxes (TaHoma and Connexoon). It appears that you are using a third-party solution, either developed by yourself or provided by an external entity (developer or community of developers not working for Somfy). Such developments are made without our willingness and, sometimes, do not respect our usage guidelines.

We are contacting you today to update the way your script or your application behaves with our API as it is overconsuming our backend resources for your own installation. To do so, please contact the provider of your solution or update your code by October 31st.

We are asking all third-party scripts or application to reduce their polling activity on our API. In particular, the GET /setup endpoint is meant to be used once and only once by end-user session and not to regularly refresh the devices data.

As we do not want every TaHoma and Connexoon users be impacted by the overuse of some individuals, we will react in the coming months and set up rate limiters and automated bans if such changes are not applied.

Thank you for your understanding.`

So this was the beginning of these days problems.

And to your question, yes i'm using nodered to control sun position etc.... I've got 4 blinds (of 9) and 4 canopies from somfy

Stog commented 1 year ago

Consider me another Connexoon owner who would appreciate local API support for this product as it would allow me to have this integrated into my existing home automation ecosystem and make it much more useful. 👍

gcatellani commented 1 year ago

+1 My whole Smarthome setup runs locally with the exception of Somfy based products. So with Dev Mode on my Connexoons I‘d finally be fully autonomous.

llavorel-somfy commented 1 year ago

Released this week with last firmware update of Connexoon (2022.6.4-13) 🎉

barryhartman commented 1 year ago

Released this week

That’s fantastics news. Can you elaborate a bit more on the functionality? How do you enable it for example?

etique57 commented 1 year ago

@barryhartman fantastic news indeed.

To enable the developper mode, go to: -> My Account -> use your credentials to log-in.

Then click on your connexoon box and right at the bottom you should see the "developper mode activation" button.

Now I still need to figure out how Home-Assistant can leverage it :)

TroisSix commented 1 year ago

Great news, let's develop it now for my domoticz ;-)

Paul-Vdp commented 1 year ago

Great news, if it weren't for the fact that on acknowledging the developer mode I'm greeted with a 'tahoma.dashboard.devMode.error' and nothing happens. Can these Somfy IT-ers then NEVER get anything right :-(

thesebastianf commented 1 year ago

Upgrade your Firmware First via the app

OrbitingOcelot commented 1 year ago

What a pleasant surprise! Thank you! This has considerably restored my view of Somfy as a partner I can trust.

Paul-Vdp commented 1 year ago

@thesebastianf Thanks, that worked. Though they might have said so themselves, instead of this cryptic error message

JanJaapKo commented 1 year ago

Great news, let's develop it now for my domoticz ;-)

@TroisSix It is already available: MadPatrick/somfy

cyberhuman commented 1 year ago

I have updated the firmware via the app but still get an error: image

TroisSix commented 1 year ago

Great news, let's develop it now for my domoticz ;-)

@TroisSix It is already available: MadPatrick/somfy

Yes, I updated the plugin and it works now on local ^^ Thank you somfy developers to have finally made it possible for our connexoons ;-)

lucidph3nx commented 1 year ago

This option doesn't appear to show on the site serving Australia and New Zealand. It could just be that they haven't enabled it yet, I worry with the fragmented Somfy ecosystem, this could still be a long way off

neugenn commented 1 year ago

Can someone please confirm that 2022.6.4-13 (as reported by TaHoma mobile app) is the firmware version that enables local API on Connexoon ? Thank you.

llavorel-somfy commented 1 year ago

I confirm