Sommerregen / grav-plugin-mediaembed

This plugin embeds several media sites (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud) by only providing the URL to the medium.
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Getting a message instead of the Media #1

Closed chekobil closed 9 years ago

chekobil commented 9 years ago

Hi, I´m not sure if I´m doing something wrong but this is what I get when I try to use the plugin with this link ![UMO]( mediaembed::fa51c2aeb9c6e6276d8a6fc9095d5497::1::M

Even with your Flickr example I get the same message ![]( mediaembed::fa51c2aeb9c6e6276d8a6fc9095d5497::2::M I tried to install the plugin manually and through CLI, same message ... I was in Grav 0.9.23 and update to 0.9.26, and got the same message in both

Sommerregen commented 9 years ago

Hm, it looks like something is broken. I will check that this evening and provide a new release.

UPDATE: Actually I found the problem. I forgot to remove some code after testing. If you delete the following three lines

if ( $page->slug() !== 'mediaembed' ) {

in, it will probably run as expected.

chekobil commented 9 years ago

It does, without this line everything works fine ... thanks