Sommerregen / grav-plugin-mediaembed

This plugin embeds several media sites (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud) by only providing the URL to the medium.
24 stars 8 forks source link

@Everybody: Just use "grav-plugin-youtube" instead. #32

Open leycec opened 4 years ago

leycec commented 4 years ago

This plugin is functionally dead. Courtesy the frontpage, it's unlikely to ever be resurrected:

This plugin is outdated. It does not work with Grav v1.x.x+ and cannot be administrated via Admin plugin without any problems.

The last commit was pushed several years ago. Nonetheless, new issues and feature requests continue to be submitted.

Instead, consider using the Grav YouTube plugin. Sure, it only supports YouTube – but it's actually actively maintained and works on modern Grav installations without complaint. Forking that plugin to support alternate content delivery platforms (e.g., Vimeo, Imgur, LBRY) should also be feasible without too much hassle.

Folks, it's time to let sleeping plugins lie. :sleeping:

HongPong commented 4 years ago

there is also this one that can be tried. i seemed to have issues with it but don't know grav well enough to say what was going on

sherpadawan commented 4 years ago

AS for grav media embed plugin, youtube plugin does not render anything when HTTPS is forced. I compared all the settings between local dev and production, the only one diff is HTTPS. any idea ?