Sommerregen / grav-plugin-mediaembed

This plugin embeds several media sites (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud) by only providing the URL to the medium.
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Support for (html5 slidedecks) #4

Closed paulhibbitts closed 9 years ago

paulhibbitts commented 9 years ago

Great to see this plugin available for Grav!

Might you consider adding direct support for slidedecks (

Thanks very much, Paul

Sommerregen commented 9 years ago

Hi @paulhibbitts,

thank you for you kind words! :-D Yes, why not? ;-) I plan it for the next version (maybe releasing it during the upcoming weekend), ok?

It seems that does not provide an OEmbed media object, but it looks like the structure is as follows

<iframe src="//<username>/<project>/embed" width="576" height="420" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Am I right?

paulhibbitts commented 9 years ago

Thanks for considering this request! Yes, that example structure looks right to me.

Here is an actual example from my Grav site:

The video-container class is used to help with proportional responsive sizing.

More than happy to help beta-test anything you like too.

Thanks again! Paul

Sommerregen commented 9 years ago

Dear @paulhibbitts ,

thank you for being so responisve and open for beta-testing! :-) With the latest release today you should embed " SlideDecks" easily within the plugin. I tested the code with your excellent presentation


In the mediaembed.yaml file you can now configure the size and style of your slides. Whereas the size is maybe unimportant for you, the change of the style is not:

  style: "light"        # Footer style: dark, light, hidden
  width: 1920
  height: 1400

However play around and have fun!