Somsubhra / github-release-stats

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Github badge support? #29

Closed eonist closed 6 years ago

eonist commented 6 years ago

Feature request 😁

martinrotter commented 6 years ago

eonist commented 6 years ago

A badge that shows downloads dynamically. like Downloads: 1392

martinrotter commented 6 years ago

It does, it shows Downloads: 11k

tooomm commented 6 years ago

He is right, for example: will give you:

Check the linked page, they have other download badges too.

I guess this can be closed @Somsubhra.

eonist commented 6 years ago

@tooomm Wow thats great, if it works. Right now it says vendor unresponsive

eonist commented 6 years ago

If this works it could be huge for open source apps. As users could easily determine if something is popular or not. Github App Store imminent!

tooomm commented 6 years ago

They had some server issues lately. Just give it another try in a few days. If you see the download badges working on their page, it should work for you too!

The one I linked above will then display again, too.

eonist commented 6 years ago

@tooomm works now. This is huge! I showed it to a few friends and pitched the idea of open source App store. This badge + A "top-list" website with different categories could be huge!