Son-Guhun / Titan-Land-Lands-of-Plenty

A WC3 sandbox roleplaying map inspired by those that came before.
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Use sigils of azerothian organizations as icons for races #167

Open Son-Guhun opened 4 years ago

Son-Guhun commented 4 years ago
KingKatanova commented 4 years ago

does this matter? what if certain people (i know, surprising) cannot recongise the nations by there banner, and right now its focused to what the nations primary unit design is. lordaeron - special footmen stormwind - stormwind captain stromgarde - stromgarde grunt alterac - bandit scarlet crusade - scarlet bandit.

Eventually i'll be adding the human nation banners into the banner deco which is another issue i added earlier, idk if this one is truely necessary?

Son-Guhun commented 4 years ago

I think for new players the banners will be a lot more recognizeable than the units themselves. This is mainly to make things clearer for new players, not for veterans who are likely to know the icons either way.

The main issue is the Alterac icon, that one will probably be kept the way it is, since the Alterac symbol is not easily recognizable, while the Bandit icon is probably familiar to anyone who has played wc3 before. The Stromgarde sigil isn't that famous either, but the current icon is a bit too similar to the bandit one.

KingKatanova commented 4 years ago

stromgarde presently dont have any other actually created icon for ujamojo's content, so if it was to stand out from the bandit a custom icon would need to be created from the grunt (as i saw it was thoras trollbane)

Son-Guhun commented 4 years ago

If you think it's better to keep a theme of using faces for icons, we could use famous characters from those kingdoms instead (Arthas for Lordaeron, Varian or Anduin for Stormwind, and that lady who is in the templar hero tower for the Scarlet Crusade).

KingKatanova commented 4 years ago

i think thats potentially going too far, the only issues as you said right now with the faces of there most basic unit (as this was what i had for kot for difference) is bandits/alterac & stromgarde,

KingKatanova commented 4 years ago

it actually might be better to use this icon as this particular skin is the one used for all stromgarde units.