Son-Guhun / Titan-Land-Lands-of-Plenty

A WC3 sandbox roleplaying map inspired by those that came before.
MIT License
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Units as skins #198

Open Son-Guhun opened 3 years ago

Son-Guhun commented 3 years ago

Using unitskins.txt, one could simply define new custom skins instead of an actual unit and apply those skins to units that actually exist in the map. For example, a Reforged footman could be a normal footman, but with a Reforged skin applied to it.

When dealing with units that have distinct abilities, that could be handled through code and a table containing default abilities for each unit type.




Son-Guhun commented 3 years ago

One way this could work would be to create categories for units:

Each one of these categories would represent a different base unit. This way, actions that would normally work on a selection of the same unit type (such a double-clicking a unit to select all nearby units of the same type) would instead work on a selection of units in the same category.

A special "Unique" category would represent a units that aren't skins, but are base units themselves.

Visual Examples: