SonarOpenCommunity / sonar-cxx

SonarQube C++ Community plugin (cxx plugin): This plugin adds C++ support to SonarQube with the focus on integration of existing C++ tools.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Unable to run sonar-scanner with cppdepend #2687

Open taheri1395 opened 1 month ago

taheri1395 commented 1 month ago


Currently running SonarQube Data Center edition version 10.4.1, CppDepend version 2024.1, Sonar Scanner version 5.0.1 on Windows 10 machine. Installed plugins are “sonar-cxx-cppdepend-community-1”. I have created myproject.csproj files and I integrated this sonar with cppdepend and active all rules in sonarqube.

I want to run sonar-scanner with this command, It is running successfully but this is not getting files or lines of code:

sonar-scanner.bat -D"sonar.token=***" -D"sonar.projectKey=test" -D"sonar.cpp.cppdepend.projectPath="C:\user\Demo.cdproj"

It seems that it does not recognize the -D sonar.cpp.cppdepend.projectPath command.

Please help me handle this problem.

guwirth commented 1 month ago

Hi @taheri1395,

Please ask Cppdepend for help:

For SQ 10.4 you have to use, see compatibility matrix

The cxx configuration supports only these configuration settings

Hope that helps!
