SonarSonic / Calculator

Minecraft Forge Mod
MIT License
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Advanced greenhouse can't harvester seeds from mystical agriculture and agricraft. #374

Closed Armagedon13 closed 5 years ago

Armagedon13 commented 6 years ago

Forge Version: 1.12.2 Calculator Version: 1.12.2 5.0.8-4 SonarCore Version: 1.12.2 5.0.15-13 Mode: Singleplayer 1.12.2 Description: Advanced Greenhouse destroy the seeds from mystical agriculture and with agricraft not harvest it.

SOL3675 commented 5 years ago

Any Greenhouse doesn't work with Mystical Agriculture seeds, because it using an old getDrops method. Mystical Agriculture using new one, that is void method, so that no return statements. That is why your seeds are vanished.

    public List<ItemStack> getDrops(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune)
        NonNullList<ItemStack> ret = NonNullList.create();
        getDrops(ret, world, pos, state, fortune);
        return ret;

public void getDrops(NonNullList<ItemStack> drops, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune)
        Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World)world).rand : RANDOM;

        int count = quantityDropped(state, fortune, rand);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            Item item = this.getItemDropped(state, rand, fortune);
            if (item != Items.AIR)
                drops.add(new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(state)));
SonarSonic commented 5 years ago

Fixed in dev, Agricraft support added, and switched to new drops method for vanilla crops.