Soneso / stellar_flutter_sdk

Stellar SDK for flutter - dart, Stellar, Horizon, Soneso
MIT License
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Support for Protocol 20: Soroban #73

Closed Shaptic closed 8 months ago

Shaptic commented 9 months ago

When closing this issue, please respond with at least the GitHub release that supports Protocol 20.

Protocol 20: Soroban

The next version of the Stellar network will feature a new smart contract platform called Soroban. Note that this version features only additive changes: existing operations, etc. have not changed. (Protocol 20 will be the same thing as "Preview 11," the latest release of Soroban to Stellar Futurenet.)

New XDR Schema

You may also want to look into how the TypeScript bindings are generated (code link) via the new soroban command line tool and add a generator for your particular language.

New client libary: Soroban RPC

Horizon API

The following APIs have changed:

SDF Reference Implementations

christian-rogobete commented 8 months ago

Thank you for adding this issue. Done in release 1.6.5