Soneso / stellar_flutter_sdk

Stellar SDK for flutter - dart, Stellar, Horizon, Soneso
MIT License
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Operations and Effects for Transactions Missing essential fields #94

Closed godilite closed 1 month ago

godilite commented 1 month ago

Currently cant get transaction operations and effects to contain this values (Amount, buying_asset_type, etc) according to the docs. Essentially I want to list transactions with amount, asset, sender and receiver address { "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "next": { "href": "" }, "prev": { "href": "" } }, "_embedded": { "records": [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "transaction": { "href": "" }, "effects": { "href": "" }, "succeeds": { "href": "" }, "precedes": { "href": "" } }, "id": "120133379185221633", "paging_token": "120133379185221633", "transaction_successful": true, "source_account": "GDJX67SFY2N73H72TWMKKBQP5UPBNKBNUMNE2IGFKNES43S4327X6DHG", "type": "manage_buy_offer", "type_i": 12, "created_at": "2020-01-28T21:14:59Z", "transaction_hash": "6b983a4e0dc3c04f4bd6b9037c55f70a09c434dfd01492be1077cf7ea68c2e4a", "amount": "0.0000000", "price": "0.0001000", "price_r": { "n": 1, "d": 10000 }, "buying_asset_type": "native", "selling_asset_type": "credit_alphanum4", "selling_asset_code": "ETH", "selling_asset_issuer": "GBDEVU63Y6NTHJQQZIKVTC23NWLQVP3WJ2RI2OTSJTNYOIGICST6DUXR", "offer_id": 149983118 }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "transaction": { "href": "" }, "effects": { "href": "" }, "succeeds": { "href": "" }, "precedes": { "href": "" } }, "id": "120133379185221634", "paging_token": "120133379185221634", "transaction_successful": true, "source_account": "GDJX67SFY2N73H72TWMKKBQP5UPBNKBNUMNE2IGFKNES43S4327X6DHG", "type": "manage_buy_offer", "type_i": 12, "created_at": "2020-01-28T21:14:59Z", "transaction_hash": "6b983a4e0dc3c04f4bd6b9037c55f70a09c434dfd01492be1077cf7ea68c2e4a", "amount": "0.0000000", "price": "0.0001000", "price_r": { "n": 1, "d": 10000 }, "buying_asset_type": "native", "selling_asset_type": "credit_alphanum4", "selling_asset_code": "ETH", "selling_asset_issuer": "GBDEVU63Y6NTHJQQZIKVTC23NWLQVP3WJ2RI2OTSJTNYOIGICST6DUXR", "offer_id": 149983119 }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "transaction": { "href": "" }, "effects": { "href": "" }, "succeeds": { "href": "" }, "precedes": { "href": "" } }, "id": "120133379185221635", "paging_token": "120133379185221635", "transaction_successful": true, "source_account": "GDJX67SFY2N73H72TWMKKBQP5UPBNKBNUMNE2IGFKNES43S4327X6DHG", "type": "manage_offer", "type_i": 3, "created_at": "2020-01-28T21:14:59Z", "transaction_hash": "6b983a4e0dc3c04f4bd6b9037c55f70a09c434dfd01492be1077cf7ea68c2e4a", "amount": "98.5005752", "price": "0.0003494", "price_r": { "n": 17471, "d": 50000000 }, "buying_asset_type": "credit_alphanum4", "buying_asset_code": "ETH", "buying_asset_issuer": "GBDEVU63Y6NTHJQQZIKVTC23NWLQVP3WJ2RI2OTSJTNYOIGICST6DUXR", "selling_asset_type": "native", "offer_id": 0 }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "" }, "transaction": { "href": "" }, "effects": { "href": "" }, "succeeds": { "href": "" }, "precedes": { "href": "" } }, "id": "120133379185221636", "paging_token": "120133379185221636", "transaction_successful": true, "source_account": "GDJX67SFY2N73H72TWMKKBQP5UPBNKBNUMNE2IGFKNES43S4327X6DHG", "type": "manage_buy_offer", "type_i": 12, "created_at": "2020-01-28T21:14:59Z", "transaction_hash": "6b983a4e0dc3c04f4bd6b9037c55f70a09c434dfd01492be1077cf7ea68c2e4a", "amount": "291.8057980", "price": "0.0002565", "price_r": { "n": 250039, "d": 975000000 }, "buying_asset_type": "native", "selling_asset_type": "credit_alphanum4", "selling_asset_code": "ETH", "selling_asset_issuer": "GBDEVU63Y6NTHJQQZIKVTC23NWLQVP3WJ2RI2OTSJTNYOIGICST6DUXR", "offer_id": 0 } ] } }

And for effects I cant get type,

{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "string", "templated": true }, "next": { "href": "string", "templated": true }, "prev": { "href": "string", "templated": true } }, "_embedded": { "records": [ { "_links": { "operation": { "href": "string", "templated": true }, "succeeds": { "href": "string", "templated": true }, "precedes": { "href": "string", "templated": true } }, "id": "string", "paging_token": "string", "account": "string", "type": "Account Created", "type_i": 1, "created_at": "string" } ] } }