Closed SaintWacko closed 11 months ago
This would probably also occur without Biomes! Islands, if you were to settle a colony on a 1-tile island.
Cause was a very old destructive patch which was removed in V95. Most likely it is no longer necessary with other systems in place to prevent quest gen based off space maps.
Biomes! Islands previously made it so all ocean tiles were considered walkable. They recently updated to make it so ocean creatures could exist and swim without that being the case. As a result, the only way to reach an island colony is with a Vehicle Framework boat. SoS2 appears to change how quest generation works, with the result that when it looks for nearby tiles to generate quests on, it requires that they be reachable. As the game is unaware of boats, from an island colony it considers the entire mainland to be unreachable. This leads to the game generating quest locations around 0,0 on the map, rather than around the colony. This issue does not occur without SoS2 installed.