Sonico98 /

Instructions to add an indicator when running a yazi subshell
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create basic yazi indicator for zsh robbyrussel #6

Closed arcstur closed 3 months ago

arcstur commented 3 months ago

I really liked this plugin. I modified the posix one to look good into my zsh with the oh my zsh's robbyrussel theme. What do you think about it?

Here's a screenshot:


Here's without it:


arcstur commented 3 months ago

If you think it's good, I can modify the README to insert this one there.

Sonico98 commented 3 months ago

The code seems to be almost the same to that of the default zsh / bash prompt. Don't you think it would be a better idea instead to explain in the README how to add color to the yazi indicator for such simple prompts? It would require a bit of manual intervention from users (unless we script it!) but that way all similar prompt themes could benefit from it.

arcstur commented 3 months ago

Yeah, maybe that would be best!! I wonder, that color configuration is from zsh itself?

Sonico98 commented 3 months ago

Yes, autoload -U colors && colors has to be executed at the top of and then you can assign the colors like you did for robbyrussel: %{$fg[color]%} and %{$reset_color%}

arcstur commented 3 months ago

Awesome, thank you.