SonnenladenGmbH / APsystems-EZ1-API

The APsystems EZ1 Python library offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters.
MIT License
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Grafana dashboard #23

Open TLINDEN opened 2 months ago

TLINDEN commented 2 months ago

What happened?


last week I opened an issue here because I could not use your neat library to scrape my inverter. As mentioned there I just wrote a little shell script for the purpose.

However, I now use the collected logs to visualize it in a nice Grafana dashboard:


Since the logs for this dashboard can be easily created with a script using your library, I thought it might be a good idea to point you guys to the dashboard source I published here. Maybe it is of use for someone.

Thanks a lot!


The python error


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