SonnyFishback / tbd-hackathon-2024

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A user can submit a form to generate an interview using Open AI API #5

Open SonnyFishback opened 9 months ago

SonnyFishback commented 9 months ago

Start an Interview

API first:

Create the API route and +page.server.ts file.

Depending on if the user opts into multiple choice or not we will need to be able to generate not only one question but three for each. One question will be the AI generated "right answer" and the other two will be "wrong".

The form action should:

  1. Job description
  2. Challenge level
  3. Keywords
  4. Years of experience

Should execute the following logic/functionality:

IF (user wants text to speech functionality in interview)

Loops through questions and generate MP3 audio files from AWS Polly via AWS Polly SDK. You can create a shell function and return a hard coded mp3 audio file.


Loops through questions and answers and stores them both in DB using Prisma ORM.


Page Route next:

Create the +page.svelte

Create a form that uses the use:action attribute and submits to the form action in the +page.server.ts file

SonnyFishback commented 9 months ago

Hey brother, @jaime1127. I am going to start working on this as well. Push up what you have when you get a chance so we don't duplicate work.

I am woking on the dashboard page and this is coupled to this feature.

jaime1127 commented 9 months ago

My latest changes have been sent