Sonoscopia / Transarkiv

Web-based audio archive mixer and recorder.
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Browser or File related issues ? #61

Open p1nh0 opened 8 years ago

p1nh0 commented 8 years ago

On Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit)

p5.js:11952 The deviceorientation event is deprecated on insecure origins, and support will be removed in the future. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See for more details. p5.js:11952 The devicemotion event is deprecated on insecure origins, and support will be removed in the future. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See for more details. p5.sound.js:956 GET 404 (Not Found)p5.SoundFile.load @ p5.sound.js:956p5.SoundFile @ p5.sound.js:838p5.loadSound @ p5.sound.js:890Player @ Player.js:63setup @ sketch.js:27(anonymous function) @ p5.js:11769_runIfPreloadsAreDone @ p5.js:11725(anonymous function) @ p5.js:11710p5 @ p5.js:11976globalInit @ p5.js:8482 p5.sound.js:941 Unable to loadão-a-janela.mp3. The request status was: 404 (Not Found) The error stack trace includes: loadSound at new Player ( at setup ( @ p5.sound_.js:941

PS: could be a problem with the actual file!

p1nh0 commented 8 years ago

plus this file:

p5.sound.js:956 GET 404 (Not Found)p5.SoundFile.load @ p5.sound.js:956p5.SoundFile @ p5.sound.js:838p5.loadSound @ p5.sound.js:890Player @ Player.js:63LeftMenu.clicked @ LeftMenu.js:43mousePressed @ sketch.js:79p5.onmousedown @ p5.js:18840 p5.sound.js:941 Unable to loadórias-de-vidaa.mp3. The request status was: 404 (Not Found) The error stack trace includes: loadSound at new Player ( at LeftMenu.clicked ( at mousePressed ( @ p5.sound_.js:941