SonsOfTone / RaspberrIP-Camera

Raspberry IP Camera - HD H264 Stream Over RTSP - Low Latency
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RaspberrIP saturates WIFI #3

Open embradded opened 9 years ago

embradded commented 9 years ago

Greetings. Great project. Works well, except it will most likely bring your WIFI to its knees (even though you are viewing the feed over WIFI)...

Unfortunately, after the RPI boots and runs that start script, the RTSP stream inundates my WIFI to the point that it is completely unusable. My guess is that it is saturating it with all of the multicast packets. After some researching on google about why this might be, I attempted to reconfigure my DD-WRT router using this tutorial (and among several others who claim this one is inaccurate) to drop all multicast packets before they reach my WLAN.

As of this writing, all attempts I have made to drop multicast packets from WLAN (without going to all the trouble of defining separate VLANs) have failed. I cringe at the thought of creating separate VLANs because it has the potential to introduce a whole host of other side effects like difficulties in file and printer sharing, etc.

Surely this problem can't be unique to me, so I'm putting it out there to see if anyone knows anything about the issue. I suppose also that the RTSP headers may not be implemented correctly, so my router is not able to identify and drop them before reaching the WLAN (using the ebtables commands from the tutorial). I suppose some verification using WireShark is in order, but I'd rather not go that far into this if someone else knows anything.

If someone could let me know if they were able to get RaspBerrIP working with a router that has a WLAN setup (albeit not streaming over WIFI), it would be much appreciated. I don't want to keep investigating this problem if the result is that RaspberrIP and WLAN on the same router configuration just don't play well together.



embradded commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I should have said that I was NOT viewing the feed over WIFI. When I view the feed over LAN, it brings my WIFI to its knees.

embradded commented 9 years ago

UPDATE: Wireshark shows a storm of UDP packets leaving the raspberry pi destined for "" which is unreachable. I have rebooted the pi, and now the magic number changes to "". This number again changes at reboot, which makes me think there is a serious problem with raspberrip. In effect, it is generating a UDP DoS attack on my network. In it's current state, it is unusable.

Albiman commented 8 years ago

Same problem, RaspberrIP is flooding LAN with UDP requests !!!