Authoring Tools Framework (ATF) is a set of C#/.NET components for making tools on Windows. ATF has been in continuous development in Sony Computer Entertainment's (SCE) Worldwide Studios central tools group since early 2005. ATF has been used by most SCE first party studios to make many custom tools such as Naughty Dog’s level editor and shader editor for The Last of Us, Guerrilla Games’ sequence editor for Killzone games (including the Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 launch title), an animation blending tool at Santa Monica Studio, a level editor at Bend Studio, a visual state machine editor for Quantic Dream, sound editing tools, and many others.
Apache License 2.0
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History Listener lacks a open state #27

Closed ColinCren closed 9 years ago

ColinCren commented 9 years ago

When you open a file, an entry isn't added to the history listener to represent the start state.

Usage wise, if I open a file and then makes a bunch of edits, the power to me of the history window is to be able to jump back changes, but I can't jump back to the initial state of the file, just back to the first change.

Is there a way we could get a basic "File Open" state in there like Photoshop that represents no changes?

abeckus commented 9 years ago

Hi, Click the first change twice or simply press Ctrl + Z.


ColinCren commented 9 years ago

Clicking the first change twice undoes to the first change, not to the original state. And Ctrl + Z is not a History Listener functionality but a StandardEditHistoryCommands functionality I believe, plus even it weren't, it doesn't solve the functionality problem as I've described.

abeckus commented 9 years ago

Undoing the first change will return the document to the original state. Also history Lister only shows last N commands. User can set the value in the preferences dialog. Edit->preferences The practical use case is for undoing last couple hundreds commands.

ColinCren commented 9 years ago

Undoing the final command after selecting it is a workaround, but isn't very user friendly, and again not the behavior I'm suggesting. I'm working on a artist facing tool, so making usage as intuitive as possible is the goal.

abeckus commented 9 years ago

Hi ColinCren, Few improvements are planned for HistoryLister. Replacing ListBox with ListView with virtual mode, that is to remove the need for Max Command count. At that time adding initial state (original state) is considered. I will leave this issue open and will update it when done. Thanks for reporting this issue. Alan

abeckus commented 9 years ago

Added < Clean State > as first item. The change will be uploaded with the next ATF update.


ColinCren commented 9 years ago

Perfect thanks.