SophiaLinetti / capstone-project_budget-buddy
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#9 Add personal saving goals #20

Open somaSeb opened 9 months ago

somaSeb commented 9 months ago

Value proposition

As a User I want to add a new savings goal so that I can track my progress towards achieving it.


Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-13 um 10 33 11

Acceptance criteria


Create the Add Button Component:

Display the Goal Form:

Implement Cancel Functionality:

Implement Submit Functionality:

ahohnsen commented 9 months ago

I have a few comments on your user story:

Value Proposition: Please stick to the format we provided you with (three-liner: As a ... I want to ... so that...). You mention editing, however, your user story is about adding a goal.

Acceptance Criteria:

if there are no goals, an info text is shown "You do not have any Goals yet!"

This seems a bit out of the blue; it would be better to specify where this note is located: on the goals-page.

when the user clicks the "+" button a window will appear which includes a form

Be more specific here; no new window opens, but a modal does.

Additionally, you describe what happens when the user clicks the cancel-button. But what happens when they click save? Does the modal close and the user returns to the goals-page? Where does the new entry appear - at the top or bottom of the goal list?

Another point: What does "Currently available amount" mean? If no calculation occurs and a default of 0 is displayed, then it should not appear here as it does not provide any value to the user.

Miriam-Voelkl commented 9 months ago

is the goals list display in another user story? if not, you could add to the tasks as well because it's a part of your acceptance criteria. otherwise very detailed 👍