Open somaSeb opened 9 months ago
I have a few comments on your user story:
Value Proposition: Please stick to the format we provided you with (three-liner: As a ... I want to ... so that...). You mention editing, however, your user story is about adding a goal.
Acceptance Criteria:
if there are no goals, an info text is shown "You do not have any Goals yet!"
This seems a bit out of the blue; it would be better to specify where this note is located: on the goals-page.
when the user clicks the "+" button a window will appear which includes a form
Be more specific here; no new window opens, but a modal does.
Additionally, you describe what happens when the user clicks the cancel-button. But what happens when they click save? Does the modal close and the user returns to the goals-page? Where does the new entry appear - at the top or bottom of the goal list?
Another point: What does "Currently available amount" mean? If no calculation occurs and a default of 0 is displayed, then it should not appear here as it does not provide any value to the user.
is the goals list display in another user story? if not, you could add to the tasks as well because it's a part of your acceptance criteria. otherwise very detailed 👍
Value proposition
As a User I want to add a new savings goal so that I can track my progress towards achieving it.
Acceptance criteria
Create the Add Button Component:
Display the Goal Form:
Implement Cancel Functionality:
Implement Submit Functionality: