SophistSolutions / WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow

WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow is a network performance analysis tool, making it easy to quickly examine a network and see what is wrong, and to evaluate longer term trends.
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In DEBUG builds, display the debugProps field in a DIV (hover over some debug icon and it pops up div iwth debug info) #12

Open LewisPringle opened 5 years ago

LewisPringle commented 5 years ago

I added a handy debuging dump to the wsapi, to print out extra details about a device (or network). It would be nice (if its easy todo) to have some way to dump these out in teh GUI so you can more easily debug/tell why something appears or doesn't appear (like figuring out things like Types from SSDP headers)

LOW PRIORITY - because you can easily dump in WSAPI (e.g. http://localhost:8080/devices?recurse=true&sort={%22searchTerms%22:[{%22by%22:%22Address%22},{%22by%22:%22Priority%22}],%22compareNetwork%22:%22192.168.244.0/24%22}%27)