SophistSolutions / WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow

WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow is a network performance analysis tool, making it easy to quickly examine a network and see what is wrong, and to evaluate longer term trends.
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On 'aggregated reversibly' - add extra 'map' in devices response mapping that id to 'info' including EverSeen (and eventually source). And sort list by everseen (at leastin GUI). and show that everseen in GUI. #36

Closed LewisPringle closed 2 years ago

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

On 'aggregated reversibly' - add extra 'map' in devices response mapping that id to 'info' including EverSeen (and eventually source). And sort list by everseen (at leastin GUI). and show that everseen in GUI.

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

maybe better to have separate fetch API: /api/v1/devices[list of addes] = return aggregateSummaryOnly? Or do that for a single devie and get list of aggregates info for that device?

Point is - this info not needed in UI except when you expand or look at details and can be large. So esp dont want to fetch each time. maybe have optional returnAggregateInfo to return that section for each listed device and default false.

AggregateInfoType = {agID, everTime, ???} and return sorted by everTime?

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago


> add to devices/networks query optional parameter ids=[] (so /id equiv of ids=[thatid] except for returning in array format)
LewisPringle commented 2 years ago related

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

implemented first draft for devices - now todo for networks and cleanup

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

Done - did networks (no point in tracking network interfaces cuz we have another ticket to fully implement that like networks etc roughly)