SophistSolutions / WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow

WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow is a network performance analysis tool, making it easy to quickly examine a network and see what is wrong, and to evaluate longer term trends.
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tags on devices and networks (and other device settings/overrides) #39

Open LewisPringle opened 2 years ago

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

WTF feature as important as NAMING devices - tags list!

    (so can group by tags and and filter by tags) for nets and devices

+ need to mark nets/devicoes as favorites
  and take into account in sort.

+ and in combobox in ui for networks, only take top 10 (so we lose old nets ability to filter)
LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

Probably add 'User-Overrides' section to Device object, and maybe have way to get all devices with overrides, and maybe just auto-include User-Overrides in each object?

But PATCH (probably) lets you update fields of the User-Overrides section for a device or network.

LewisPringle commented 2 years ago


LewisPringle commented 2 years ago

add editable field for 'Notes'

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

UNCLEAR if we want favorites attribute. Clear we want some user overrides. Unclear if we want rigid data model, or arbitrary patches on existing data model. Probably safer to go with rigid data model.

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

considering adding this to device model: struct UserOverridesType { /* / optional fName;

        optional<Collection<String>> fTags;

         * @todo consider but probably interpret the text as markdown.
        optional<String> fNotes;
LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

For now - only support PATCH on DEVICE/ID/ /userOverrides/X fields...

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

try first getting WSAPI working for device user overrides. Then do network useroverrides (probably also name, tags, notes).

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

next step is MGR API to store in database, and mixin, and PATCH WSAPI to be able to set.

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

I think device part done, and maybe tweak full set of fields can set (at least create demo/example in docs); and then do network usersettings equivilent. THEN backend part of this is done.

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

as part of this rewriting the rollup code (did network, and doing device). And added 'names' feature to networks as well (as I had done before to devices).

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

mostly done with backend code. Just a bit more cleanup and hten move on to GUI side of this,

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

SADLY - for vEthernet (nat) {} etc being repeated so many times is to use aggregating the same (rolled up) network interface. BUT - I dont support that yet. May need to push down the stack and tackle that problem now ;-(

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

doing UI for NOTES (and tags) right now.

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

when adding tags support for devices/networks, also allow that tags to be shown in column for devices/networks view