SophistSolutions / WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow

WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow is a network performance analysis tool, making it easy to quickly examine a network and see what is wrong, and to evaluate longer term trends.
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Rationalize gaps between snapshots (maybe configurable but default one day summaries) #72

Open LewisPringle opened 1 year ago

LewisPringle commented 1 year ago

Each time we restart service we start another isntance. But these should be rolled up/rationalized to a desired granularity.

MAYBE force a break each 24 hours (so new ID). And force smaller ones to be rolled up into larger ones (at that target timeline roughly).

Probably want user configuration eventually on this granularity and it could vary over time (say more frequently if in the last month, but larger time gaps if older than a a month).

Idea is a sensible managable number of chunks - for rollup - dont want db too big and dont want to throw away too much inforamtion. Some user configurable control over this tradeoff.