Sophox / sophox

A collection of services exposing OSM data, metadata, and other microservices
Apache License 2.0
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wikidata on sophox ? #12

Open nlehuby opened 5 years ago

nlehuby commented 5 years ago

Does Sophox still contains wikidata data ? I can't get any query working

For instance, I don't get any matches for this one :

  ?osmId osmt:place ?place.
  ?osmId osmt:wikidata ?wd.
  ?wd wdt:P31 ?type.

camelCaseNick commented 4 years ago

RDF Linked Data for SPARQL queries aren't meant to be copied, but rather queried from all sources inside one query with a federated query.

While the sophox endpoint doesn't contain any wikidata entries anymore, the wikidata endpoint does.

The following query to the sophox endpoint is equivalent to the original one with directly fetching from wikidata:

select * where {
  ?osm osmt:place ?place;
       osmt:wikidata ?wd.
  service <> {
    ?wd wdt:P31 ?type.
limit 10
nlehuby commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I found this request on Sophox documentation, under the "Hello (OSM SPARQL) World" paragraph so it may need an update.

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

Does Sophox still contains wikidata data ?


Sophox no longer contains a copy of the Wikidata data due to space and performance limitations. Use federated query to call out into Wikidata's sparql endpoint.