Sophrinix / TryRuby

Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.
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NoMethodError: undefined method `h2' for main:Object #127

Closed mikecx closed 13 years ago

mikecx commented 13 years ago

Running through the tutorial, it hits a snag at the following step:

blog.each do |entry|
.. h2 entry.title
.. p entry.fulltext
.. end
NoMethodError: undefined method `h2' for main:Object

mikecx commented 13 years ago

Seems i misread about needing to wrap it in the Popup.make do, but I still cannot get it to continue past here.