Sophrinix / TryRuby

Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.
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Arrays - Can't do them #130

Open BitPuffin opened 13 years ago

BitPuffin commented 13 years ago

I can't finish (or get far at all) in the tutorial because the "[" and "]" doesn't get recognized. It could be that i have a swedish keyboard layout or something.

This is something that needs to be fixed fast. I'm using Windows 7 and vista. And i've tried all the different browser i have installed Chrome, firefox and explorer.

Don't think it worked when i tried it in linux either.

Also the backspace is weird but it works.

Sophrinix commented 13 years ago

this is due to the fact hat the keyboard library in try ruby was never designed to handle non us keyboards.

i have been working on a '2.0' style release which I had hoped to have out the door by now. The short answer is i need to use jquery console. However, when I went to implement it, it turned out that the great majority of all the front end javascript stuff had to be rewritten. I will try to have this new release out as soon as I can.

BitPuffin commented 13 years ago

Well suddenly it worked when i tried it with firefox. Very strange hah. But still a pretty great tutorial, good job!

Sophrinix commented 13 years ago

I am very close to have a real major version of try ruby out the door. All keyboard/input related issues will be addressed in it. :-)

BitPuffin commented 13 years ago

Fantastic! I probably need to go through it one more time so that is good news. Anything else you plan to add? I believe it said that it gets updated with new tutorials now and then; altough i'm not sure about it. Or perhaps you don't want to share that information until its out? ;)

Sophrinix commented 13 years ago

I've got some major things coming up. :-) New lessons are confirmed. The most I'll say right now is that the info I released on Please Support Try Ruby will be a reality sooner than later.