Sophrinix / TryRuby

Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.
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poem.lines doesn't work #172

Open ashes999 opened 9 years ago

ashes999 commented 9 years ago

In section two, I see:

Okay, sure. So the whole poem's been turned backwards, letter-by-letter. I really want to just reverse the lines, though. Move the last line up to first and the first line down to last. Backwards, but not that backwards.

Here's how: poem.lines.to_a.reverse

poem.lines gives me an error. This is odd, because the rdoc for 1.9.3 shows lines as a valid method.

This seems very odd.

calebegg commented 9 years ago

The problem seems to be that .lines returns an Enumerator, and tryruby doesn't want to print the string version of (any) enumerators. (maybe they are getting detected as errors). If you do poem.lines.to_a, as suggested, you get the lines. You can do poem.lines.to_s to see what it should be printing.

So I think the fix is to print enumerators normally, instead of giving:

=> Something's gone wrong- that might not have been valid ruby