Sophrinix / TryRuby

Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.
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No command history #5

Closed metasoarous closed 14 years ago

metasoarous commented 14 years ago

It looks as though (by the lack of giant headers with info to the contrary) that the site should be working just fin, but, I am getting no command history still. I was reading the README and it was saying that this version is not set up for persistence but reruns the command history for each new entry you make. This is definitely not working for me. Has this been working for other people and is there a chance that why it is not working for me has something to do with some caching wierdness?

davidmiani commented 14 years ago

TryRuby is still very beta atm, and a few recent changes (with regards to security) broke persistence. So it is a known problem, not your computer :)

Anyway, the site won't be ready for full usage yet for a little while, as even if this problem is fixed there is still the problem of the whole sections the tutorial involved with interacting with the file system that haven't been completed yet. So your idea of having a giant "BETA" image or similar at the top of the page is a very good one.

metasoarous commented 14 years ago

Gotcha - thanks for the clarification. It is so great that this is being brought back to life. I think that it is a really awesome project and asset for the ruby community, especially those who are just starting to toy around with programming.

Sophrinix commented 14 years ago

I am fairly certain that this issue is a resolved on. If i am mistaken, let me know and I'll re open it. I am trying to clear out old tickets.

metasoarous commented 14 years ago

Yup! Resolved now. Thanks!