Sophrinix / TryRuby

Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion for Ruby and for teaching their fellow (wo)man how to program.
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No commands are working, resulting in SyntaxError #86

Closed adiun closed 13 years ago

adiun commented 14 years ago

I got past the first two lessons and then after summary 3, I typed in books = {}. Then I got this error:


:69: syntax error, unexpected keyword_else, expecting $end

Now, it looks like is completely broken. If I open any browser and type 'help' and then '2+6', it results in this error.

briankb commented 14 years ago

I can't even get past the first less in the Help tutorial. Is this just not a priority to fix? I don't understand why is being promoted in video's and elsewhere to introduce people to the language when the tutorial doesn't even work.

adiun commented 14 years ago

It seems like there're some basic design problems - race conditions happening between different people using some shared instance of the compiler or something. The errors I'm seeing have nothing to do with what i'm typing and it seems like someone else's errors...

This is a high priority bug...

ghost commented 14 years ago

I am also having this problem. I went to and typed help to start the tutorial. Then I typed 2 + 6 and got SyntaxError:

:2433: syntax error, unexpected keyword_rescue, expecting $end

However, if I type a space after 2 + 6 then it just hangs indefinitely and displays two dots on a newline. I can exit that by hitting enter again, and then it gives me the above error message and a new >> to work with.

Typing help, help 2, clear, back, reset, next, and time give me the correct behaviors except that an entirely new session appears to have "time" start at 78 minutes although it does increment correctly from there.

This is very disappointing because I wanted to use this online irb to test a few things before having to actually get ruby setup on my laptop.

briankb commented 14 years ago

I offered a new feature "catchup" which would at least help people get through the tutorial without quiting out of frustration. if you like it vote it up so it will get noticed.

ghost commented 14 years ago

I get the same error as wordymusic. Whatever input I try, I get the following error:


:315: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end
print x: :true

jasonrdavis commented 13 years ago

Also getting the same syntax error. First I got it during summary 3 when I tried to work on the books array. So I switched to a different browser and different computer - jumped to summary 4.. and get this:

help 4 >> Dir.entries "/" SyntaxError:

:463: syntax error, unexpected tGVAR, expecting $end $stdout =

jasonrdavis commented 13 years ago

Update: another thread on this mentioned that if you type "time" (no quotes) it un-breaks things. Worked for me. So there's a temp fix..

jvonmitchell commented 13 years ago

Same here. Of coarse with a different error number as that seems to be the theme. Thanks for making this tool. Here is my error information if you need it.


:225: syntax error, unexpected keyword_else, expectin g $end