SoraHjort / webcomic_reader

Webcomic Reader userscript at
MIT License
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Reminders #1

Open SoraHjort opened 4 years ago

SoraHjort commented 4 years ago

Girl Genius Multi-Image capturing issue on Mobile: Looking into Girl Genius: Issue with this page, may just ignore due to it's weird setup Basically, it doesn't capture at all. So the nav will just load into the page and basically WCR doesn't run onit. So it's still viewable just fine. The reason for the odditiy is that there isn't a image in the already looked into locations. And that page has 8 images within the author notes section.

So yeah, may look into it later, but I might just leave it alone as it may be the only page that does it and WCR doesn't screw up the viewing of the page as it was originally intended.

Homestuck Titles - done. Not ideal. Would prefer to have it above, but what can be done about that. pre-titles? check xkcd issue dominic deegan squishing on mobile site version (also visible on desktop, but instead of being like 2 pixels, on mobile it's a third of the page) as well as cropping issue

Webtoon's page is blank on switch till scroll

TheComicSeries: Comments Section not being properly captured for all subsites.

LFG's header blocks top of comic on page change.

default style for buttons? - Mostly taken care of

Styling for the transcript box on twokinds when night theme isn't enabled.

SoraHjort commented 4 years ago

Fix config menu issues -Colors -Done? -auto sizing -Done (Double Check) (made it so that the width is set, working on other size related elements)

Fix Update URL (leave for last stuff)

Buttons need spacing if they overflow into multiple lines -??? shrug doesn't appear to be too much of an issue now after the buttons got restyled

-- This apparently only shows up on greasemonkey when on mobile. This would explain some things. This button doesn't have an ID, Class, etc, just Text. Could be a challenge! --

Thought: Change "disable for this site" button to be larger? (It should be larger as is to be in line with the other buttons. will check) --- Taken care of for Greasemonkey, even when the script is internally set to disabled -Added for Tampermonkey users as well

As well as more spacing before/after it, mainly for minimalistic view

CSS up the buttons more to have some sort of indicator when they are pressed. -Was able to set up for regular buttons, due to how the script works currently, can't do it with Next, Back, and Remember Page

Mobile specific size settings for buttons? (Putting on hold for another pull, probably, along with other tidbits like dark theme for config UI)

Dominic Deegan still can only be readable in minimalistic

Twokinds needs multi image forward/back support

SoraHjort commented 4 years ago

Sites to fix/add: Applegeeks (It.... it isn't working D: gonna have to JS it up, probably.) Nope, Ain't trying anymore. I tried again.... and regret it. I have an idea why it's not working, but I don't know the WHY it isn't. Basically, when it tries to cache a page it hits a 404, even though the URL is valid. I suspect some sort of anti-bot thing but, no clue. Someone else can handle it at this point.

Curtailed Comic Foxtrot Gocomics(? non committal) Sligtly Damned Zap Comic See about fixing Bob and George's Multi Image issue. Same with Girl Genius. - Done. Messy but it'll do. Twokinds (as well as any known broken keenspot comics) - new layout update (Has Multi Images) (fix URL to be http and subdomain) Mobile site version of WebToons

Spinnerette - Added but need to fix some clipping with sidebar ads Star Fodder - just needed to update capture WishmakerS - Work in progress Alpha Luna - Added, then the site went down. Left rules in for use with (reminder about Gocomic for Endtown) Housepets Turbodefiant (maybe not, many of the links link to a .com site which is not the correct site as the correct one is .net. also it hasn't updated in years) Going to pass on this, as the author hasn't been active in just as long. Various other accounts have been deleted or taken over by other people.

Look into comics on deviantArt and apply similar setup to FA. Add bar with Favorite into Extras for both dA and FA

Update for FA's new theme. - Functional but not perfected yet. More work to be done.

More comics are moving off of Katbox, many have moved to Kemono Cafe, others have moved to private hosting, as well as one of the major comic hosting sites. (so far Kemono's general capture is working for the comics on it)

SoraHjort commented 4 years ago

Hid comment as this change log has been submitted to anka's repository, thus no longer needs to be visible to cause confusion.


Sites Fixed:

Sites Added:

Site tweaks:

Ahab's White Whale: Apple Geeks, it doesn't deserve to be, but it's doing it's darnest to be it.

Features and Big Changes:

Sites fixed due to switching to "http*" (checked back in october/november 2019) - Front page broken - Slightly broken, pages don't show up till you scroll down a little (fixed? I didn't do anything, but it hasn't happened in a while)

SoraHjort commented 3 years ago

Look into how the script automatically removes or moves the comic image from the original HTML. And then apply it to when it captures Extra.

SoraHjort commented 3 years ago

alien dice setting menu buttons colors overriding.

alien dice mobile portrait lacks overflow.

add setting for mobile to have background also navigable

Demaar commented 3 years ago Still links to the anka-213 version instead of this one.

SoraHjort commented 2 years ago Still links to the anka-213 version instead of this one.

because this is a fork I use to submit changes for that project. there is even a pull request of it right now, but won't be merged due to things like the English translation update needs to be applied here first.

anyway reminders to myself:

pull from master to update with "recent" changes.

add Alice and the nightmare

~~remove nav from author comments sections on various sites ~~

set max width on recent drop box

style first and last to be buttons instead of text links to unify the navigation buttons Done, color may need to be tweaked, but it's good for now.

look into styling "title text" nabbed from comic's alt text to be more visible when dimmed

look into making the "manga reverse" option be universal without it triggering on only manga sites. Not sure how it does it in the first place, thus looking into it. maybe linked with "scrollx: R"? Edit: yes it's linked to that, will need to insert a new option to ignore that, maybe see if an additional option can be added to the reverse dialog.

fix furaffinty to also hook into non-www pages

smack jeeves is now defunct, remove the @include for it, but leave the original capture rules for use with the internet archive

fix misfile to the "new" updated site (been broken for quite a while now...)

Extend dimmed's dimmness to be beyond the page size. Plenty of times on mobile the bottom or top edge isn't dimmed while scrolling.

look into issues with going from small image to large image distorting page and alignment. depending on platform

e*hentai 2px padding css fix

SoraHjort commented 2 years ago

add in additional functions to screen dimmer. Such as Invert colors beyond the comic images. (See css below)

#wcr_div, #wcr_div img {
                        filter: invert(100%);
SoraHjort commented 2 years ago

in settings add a link to support with various info. from rules on requests, and debug output info to share if bugs

SoraHjort commented 1 year ago

Update the Update URL and Browser History functions so that going in a reverse direction (IE, 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3, or 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1), would not continually create "back" history when going onto previously visited pages.

Smooth Scroll option - Works but occasionally fails. Maybe related to doing it too soon after scrolling with mouse wheel?

Make mobile Tooltips look better. Disable the mobile tool tips on nav links

Rewrite fit to screen function to be one and done instead of constantly recalculating. use css along the lines of something like max-width: calc(100vw - (horizontal_padding * 2)) That will give the same kind of effect as setting shrink if too wide. Also apply max-width to extra as well

Towards the end, before submitting to the anko-213 master, go through all the @include and convert over to @match. Then do a new preening of URLs for dead or non-working sites.

Go in later and find and delete marked sections that state //After testing delete the above commentation ~SoraHjort

Replace space spacing with tab spacing for character saving

[Settings -> Site Settings] At the bottom if provides a link to provide info on how to add sites. This leads to a 11 year old thread on the old userscript-mirror site. It would be best to provide more up to date info and have that info on the repo readme or on a wiki page?

Done: Look into option to save and load config from file instead of string. Mobile can't handle large strings.

Crazy farflung idea: Make tutorial pages for people to use to test on learning to define rules

Add in additional category similar for extra but for comments. So readers have the option to have comment sections viewable or not viewable (when capture rules applied). Additionally another category for the option to turn on/off ad capture and display to help support the webcomic sites. And place them either below or next to the comments mentioned above.

Option to have another capture specific for using the comic's native nav buttons instead of WCR's below the comic?

~~Option for Border padding options to only apply when in Landscape, Portrait, or Both examples:~~

and (orientation:portrait)


@media screen and (max-aspect-ratio: 13/9)

@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 13/9)

Attempt to size align drop boxes and inputboxes in the settings window. Currently, atleast in my setup, dropdown boxes are slightly smaller.

Apply recent border fix to extra.

Settings Menu Tooltips on Mobile