Soreepeong / XivAlexander

Double weave on high latency, and mishmash of modding tools - especially for fonts and internationalization for Final Fantasy XIV.
Apache License 2.0
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Compatibiliy issue with XIVLauncher/Dalamud? #465

Open karaipsum opened 2 years ago

karaipsum commented 2 years ago

Hello, I really enjoy the feature of XIVAlexander and especially the EXDF transformation has been a real gem!

I was able to use modding from XIVAlexander for EXDF Transformation (ChineseWithEnglish_SayQuestEnglish.json) and font change (SourceHanSansSC.json) together with XIVLauncher(Dalamud) and GShade enabled before. Today it randomly crashed when I was doing a quest. And since then, I was unable to restart the game with the same settings that I've been using before. I have tried uninstall and reinstall XIVAlexander. And only the following options listed below would run: 1) XIVLauncher ( enabled 2) XIVAlexander ( alone 3) XIVLauncher+Dalamud enabled with XIVAlexander (modding disabled)

I've already tried "Repair game" from XIVLauncher, which downloads and rebuilds all the game files.

If I have XIVLauncher+Dalamud with XIVAlexander modding enabled all at the same time, XIVAlexander would be able to generate the fonts and exd string files but then would just crash and then the game refused to start.

I've also attached the log file from XIVAlexander below for your review. It doesn't always generate the log file. image XIVLauncher does give this notification all the time. XivAlexander_20220702_144147_461.log

Thank you in advance for your help!

DAOWAce commented 2 years ago

I've been unable to use Alexander along with the recent (6/25) XIVLauncher update if modding is enabled alongside Dalamud.

Don't really know who's at fault here; the dalamud update clearly broke compatibility, but is it up to alexander to workaround the 'big boy', or should the goat resolve this issue on their end?

Prepping for my 6.18 return and getting blocked from using these both together is disastrous, as I use Alexander for modding (because Penumbra drastically slowed down loading) and its lag reduction feature, and Dalamud because FFXIV without those plugins is so much worse. May resolve itself by the time these third party tools update for the 6.18 patch, but I'm not too hopeful.